Monday, December 31, 2012

Thank You!

  It's New Years Eve but theres something more important for me. I'm about to come up on the 1000th page view for this blog. I've had people from Russia and Germany view. Also, I don't track my own page views so its fair. We're getting about 7 page views averagely for a day which means its grown alot (I know its not a ton but I never expected I would get any readers)! In the end all I wanted to do was say Thanks!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Gear Review: San Juan Chest Pack

  The fishpond San Juan chest pack is one of my favorite chest packs. Even though its no giant it still holds lots of gear. It costs about $50.00 . Its 180 cubic inches. 
  On the front it has a mesh pocket for easy access items such as tippet and weights. On the front pocket it has fishpond's signature zip-down fly bench. Some people don't like it but I think its cool. In the main pocket it has one loose fitting mesh pocket and a large zippered compartment for important items such as licences and phones. 
  The San Juan is really good in external attachment points. It has two tabs to put zingers and with little loops under them for nippers or forceps. There are also two other loops, one on top of the main pocket and one above the front pocket.
  For wearing it the San Juan has a belt loop which people tend to dislike (can't argue). It also comes with two length-adjustable straps for wearing around your neck and waist. The straps seem abrasve and scratch at my neck but I fixed that with some Mossy Oak Duck Tape.
  Overall the San Juan is a 10 out of 10. For a video review go to the following link:

Monday, December 24, 2012

Featured Video of the Week: December 24, 2012

Really stinks how Blogger won't let me directly put videos from Vimeo on here but I'll just use the link. . You're definitely going to see more of Montana Wild's videos here.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Featured Video of the Week: December 10, 2012

Sorry its really late again, I had a really bad Sinus infection... Here it is:
  The first time I saw this it brought tears to my eyes. The reason I picked this is that Bryan Huskey, a skilled photographer from SCO, was our guest speaker at the Magic Valley Fly Fishers "Christmas Party". He showed us the original version of this video, and interview with Pete and Doc and finally a video of Pete and the Doc after his surgery. Bryan also informed us that Silver Creek Outfitters will probably be making a DVD of the Doc and Pete fishing.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Featured Video of The Week: December 2, 2012

  I really love all their videos. It's like a mix of how-to's and just filming the fishing. They also have some pretty sick footage!